What Does An Artery Blocked or Narrowed Mean to Your Heart Health?


Millions of people around the world are affected by heart health. A leading cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular diseases, so it can’t be overstated how important this issue is. In today’s fast-paced world, the health of our heart is a concern that often lurks in the background, unnoticed until a critical moment. Among the various threats to heart health, These conditions, known medically as atherosclerosis, are not just isolated medical anomalies; they represent a complex interplay between our lifestyle choices, genetic predispositions, and the relentless march of time.

Understanding Arteries and Their Role in Heart Health

The arteries play a pivotal role in our cardiovascular system and overall heart health. They are blood vessels that distribute oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body. This process is crucial for delivering the oxygen and nutrients required for the functioning of organs and tissues​​​​.

Types of Arteries and Their Functions:

There are two primary types of arteries, each serving a distinct purpose:

1. Elastic Arteries: These are located close to the heart and have more elastic tissue. Examples include the aorta and the pulmonary artery. They function akin to a football player catching a ball, absorbing the force from the throw, which in this case is the blood pumped from the heart.

Muscular Arteries: These have smooth muscles and are responsible for transporting blood to the body’s tissues, much like a football player running down the field with the ball. They include arteries such as the femoral, radial, and brachial arteries​​.

Anatomy and Structure

Arteries are tubular structures with thick, muscular walls capable of handling high blood pressure from each heartbeat. They don’t need valves as the force of the blood ensures unidirectional flow. The aorta, the largest artery, has a diameter ranging from 10 millimeters to 25 millimeters. The arteries then branch into smaller vessels, reaching the entire body​​​​.

Arterial Supply to Organs

Each organ or body part receives blood supply through specific arteries. For instance, the coronary arteries supply the heart, the carotid arteries provide blood to the brain, head, face, and neck, while the femoral artery caters to the legs​​.

Arteries and Blood Pressure Regulation

Arteries play a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure and controlling blood flow. They adjust by tightening or loosening their muscular walls. Approximately 10% of the body’s blood is in the arteries at any given time​​.

The Exception: Pulmonary Artery

The pulmonary artery is unique as it is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation​​.

Heart Disease Statistics in the United States

The leading cause of death in the U.S. is cardiovascular disease (CVD), with 928,741 deaths reported in 2020. Between 2018 and 2019, CVD costs were staggering at $407.3 billion in direct and indirect costs. A significant percentage of CVD-related deaths in 2020 were caused by coronary heart disease, followed by strokes and other cardiovascular conditions.

Heart disease prevention relies heavily on maintaining arterial health, as this data illustrates. Understanding the function and significance of arteries in the cardiovascular system is fundamental for managing and preventing heart-related conditions effectively.

Blocked and Narrowed Arteries: Causes, Effects, and Complications

Causes of Arterial Blockage and Narrowing

The accumulation of lipids, cholesterol, and other materials on and inside the artery walls is known as atherosclerosis, and it is the primary cause of clogged and constricted arteries. The accumulation of plaque can restrict the arteries and obstruct blood flow.

In some instances, plaque may rupture, leading to a blood clot. Notably, atherosclerosis is a progressive disease and can affect arteries throughout the body​​.

Key factors contributing to the development of atherosclerosis include:

• High blood pressure: Damages the inner layer of an artery.

• High cholesterol and triglycerides: Contribute to plaque buildup.

• Smoking and tobacco use: Cause damage to the arterial walls.

• Diabetes and insulin resistance: Increase the risk of arterial damage.

• Obesity: Associated with higher cholesterol levels and inflammation.

• Inflammation: From diseases like arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or inflammatory bowel disease.

• Lifestyle factors: Such as an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and sleep apnea​​.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Blocked and Narrowed Arteries Symptoms

The symptoms of atherosclerosis, the primary cause of blocked and narrowed arteries, can vary based on the severity and location of the artery affected:

1. Mild Atherosclerosis: Often asymptomatic.
2. Moderate to Severe Atherosclerosis: Symptoms emerge when an artery is significantly narrowed or clogged, restricting blood flow. This can lead to:

• Heart Arteries: Chest pain or pressure (angina).

• Arteries Leading to the Brain: Sudden numbness or weakness in limbs, difficulty speaking, temporary loss of vision, or drooping muscles in the face, signaling a transient ischemic attack (TIA) which can lead to a stroke if untreated.

• Arteries in Arms and Legs: Symptoms of peripheral artery disease, like leg pain during walking or decreased blood pressure in a limb.

• Arteries Leading to Kidneys: High blood pressure or kidney failure​​.


Diagnosing atherosclerosis involves a combination of physical examination, medical history, and a series of tests:

1. Physical Examination and History: A healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, including listening to arteries with a stethoscope for abnormal sounds (bruits), and inquire about personal and family health history.

2. Diagnostic Tests: Depending on the physical exam results, one or more of the following tests may be recommended:

• Blood Tests: To check blood sugar and cholesterol levels; high levels increase the risk of atherosclerosis. A C-reactive protein test may be done for inflammation.• Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): Measures the heart’s electrical activity to determine if there’s reduced blood flow.

• Exercise Stress Test: Used if symptoms occur during exercise, showing heart problems that might be missed otherwise.

• ED: When performing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the quantitative flow ratio (QFR)

• shows the heart’s blood flow using sound waves.

• Doppler Ultrasound: Measures blood pressure at various points to assess blood flow speed in arteries.

• Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI): Compares blood pressure in the ankle and arm to check for atherosclerosis in the leg and foot arteries.

• Cardiac Catheterization and Angiogram: Shows if coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked.

• Coronary Calcium Scan: Uses CT imaging to detect calcium deposits in coronary arteries, indicating a higher risk of heart attack.

• Other Imaging Tests: Like Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) or Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to study arteries for hardening, narrowing, and aneurysms​​.

Latest Advancements in Treatment for Blocked and Narrowed Arteries

When performing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the quantitative flow ratio (QFR)

• A novel technique called the quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is significantly improving outcomes post-PCI. This method, which involves 3D artery reconstruction and measurement of blood flow velocity, offers precise measurements of pressure drop across a blockage. QFR allows doctors to make more informed decisions about which arteries to stent during PCI, leading to improved patient outcomes.

• A study involving 3,825 participants in China found that QFR-guided PCI resulted in better patient outcomes compared to standard angiography-guided procedures. The QFR approach reduced unnecessary stent placements and identified more obstructive lesions that required treatment. This led to lower rates of heart attacks and the need for additional PCI, marking a 35% improvement over standard procedures​​.

Nanoparticle-Based Plaque Removal

• Researchers at Missouri S&T are developing a cellular-level approach to removing arterial plaque using nanoparticles. These nanoparticles, designed to deliver plaque-busting drugs directly to specific cells in the arteries, have shown promise in significantly reducing plaque buildup.

• The new method targets plaque cells and inhibits the pathway for cholesterol and lipid accumulation in the arteries. It also has the potential to remove existing cholesterol from plaque cells, a capability not offered by current medications. The research team observed a significant reduction in plaque within a few months of experimentation.

• This method is still in the research phase, and the team is working on understanding the body’s mechanism for flushing cholesterol post-clearance and determining the appropriate drug dosage. A patent for this technology is in the final stages of approval​​​​.

These advancements represent significant strides in the treatment of blocked and narrowed arteries. The QFR technique offers a more precise and effective approach in PCI, while the nanoparticle-based treatment holds potential as a groundbreaking method for directly targeting and reducing arterial plaque. Both technologies aim to improve patient outcomes and could potentially change the standard of care in managing cardiovascular diseases.

Personal Stories on Managing Blocked and Narrowed Arteries

1. Colonel Jean Whittenberg’s Experience

• Col. Whittenberg, an avid golfer, first experienced heart problems years ago, manifesting as chest pains while carrying his golf bag. He was diagnosed with an almost completely blocked left main coronary artery and underwent coronary bypass surgery. Years later, he experienced more severe heart pain due to two arteries that were 100% blocked. He then underwent a minimally invasive procedure in the cath lab, which involved using guide wires and live X-ray imaging to place stents within the blocked arteries. This procedure significantly improved his quality of life, enabling him to resume activities like walking and playing outside with his dog​​​​​​.

2. Dennis’s Story

• Dennis, a 54-year-old nonsmoker from Maryland, mentioned feeling tired and sluggish during a routine exam with his family doctor. This seemingly minor observation led to the discovery of his heart condition. The early detection and subsequent treatment were crucial in saving his life​​.

3. Larry’s Story

Larry, a former world record holder and competitive swimmer, experienced chest pain, nausea, and weakness while running with a friend in Utah. This incident indicated serious heart issues, prompting immediate medical attention. Larry’s story underscores the importance of recognizing and acting on unusual symptoms, especially in individuals with active lifestyles​​.

4. Johnny’s Story

Johnny, from North Carolina, noticed increasing tiredness at the end of workdays. Initially attributing this to aging, he later realized it was a symptom of a more serious heart condition. His experience highlights how subtle changes in stamina and energy levels can be early signs of heart problems​​.

5. Dante’s Story

Dante’s decision to skip a Father’s Day golf game raised concerns for his wife, Ruth. The subsequent diagnosis through a cardiac catheterization revealed multiple blockages in his coronary arteries. Dante’s story is a reminder of how significant changes in routine activities can signal underlying health issues​​.

These personal accounts provide valuable insights into the varied experiences of individuals dealing with blocked and narrowed arteries. They illustrate the importance of early detection, the role of lifestyle in managing heart health, and the impact of medical interventions on improving quality of life.

Conclusion: Navigating the Path to Heart Health

Throughout this blog, we have journeyed together through the complexities of atherosclerosis, from its silent onset to its potentially life-altering consequences. We have uncovered the importance of early detection, the efficacy of advanced medical treatments, and the undeniable power of lifestyle changes in combating this condition.. More effective interventions are being made possible by developments in medical technology, such as the quantitative flow ratio (QFR) and therapies based on nanoparticles.
As a Castle Connolly Top Doctor and a Fellow of both the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association,Ellen Mellow MD recognized expertise in cardiology ensuring that patients receive quality, evidence-based treatment. Dr. Ellen Mellow’s practice extends throughout the New York City area and beyond, reaching patients from various regions, indicating her broad impact and the high demand for her specialized care in managing complex cardiovascular conditions​​​​.

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